Sergio Ramos New Short Hairstyle - Defender Sergio ramos is a mainstay of the Spanish team and also playin for capital team Real Madrid. Sergio ramos some time ago while following EURO 2012 has changed his hairstyle. Sergio ramos previous hairstyle is long, but now sergio has changed into a short hairstyle. Perhaps because of distracted or bored with her long hair and want to try something new.Sergio ramos previous hairstyle is long, but now sergio has changed into a short hairstyle. Perhaps because of distracted or bored with her long hair and want to try something new.
how to get hair like sergio ramos is to cut it short and thicken the middle and make a spike style.
Here is the long hair sergio ramos before replacing short haircut:

And Here is the The new sergio ramos hair style, Short Hair style :
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